Saturday, January 4, 2014


Hi Everyone,

  Well THIS really has me EXCITED! IMAGINE shrinking your body AND adding health benefits for healthy living and ALL in one cup of coffee a day!

 It has 11 fantastic weight loss support ingredients:
1. Worlds best tasting coffee bean the Panama Boquete Gesha micro-ground coffee in a bag.
2. Green Coffee Bean Chlorogenic Acid extract to increase fat usage
3. Garcinia Cambogia extract keeping fat from being stored
4. Raspberry Ketone extract suppressing appetite and utilizing glucose
(7) Thermogenic fat burning ingredients too.
5. Sinetrol Mediterannean Diet extracts for thermo burning of fat increase
6. Evodiamine fat burning sensation
7. Pterostilbene crystal Caffeine complex for 8 hours of sustainable energy
8. Chromium Polynicotinate for insulin receptor stimulation for fat usage
9. Yerba Mate extract, fat burning energy increasing
10. EGCG's from Green Tea for cellular uptake of fat and fat metabolism
11. Guarana to increase energy metabolism and synergistically interact with Sinetrol to accelerate the Mediterranean diet fat burning power.

INBOX or CALL me to PRE_ORDER YOURS TODAY!!!! It will be out in 2 weeks!
Or BETTER yet why not earn YOURS FREE by joining me for FREE and sharing the weight loss coffee with all your friends and get YOURS FREE! That's a thought! 802-989-4685 or email me at I don't have a e-mail for the blog yet just this one. Will soon though!

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